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DHS 790

Global Health Programs and the Control of Infectious Diseases
Name: Global Health Programs and the Control of Infectious Diseases
Course Number: DHS 790
Credit(s): 3

Course Description

DHS 790 Global Health Programs and the Control of Infectious Diseases focuses on controlling major infectious diseases, emphasizing global programs. In particular, this course delves into infectious disease control program methods and tools, encompassing not only the transmission of infectious disease at the population and individual levels but also effective treatment and cure of infectious diseases in individuals. This course focuses on the major infectious diseases such as sexually transmitted infections, lessons learned from HIV/AIDS control, tuberculosis, malaria, hepatitis, and COVID-19. 

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the evidence-based methods of controlling major infectious diseases.
  • Learn and discuss global health programs targeting infectious disease control.
  • Learn how major infectious diseases are controlled at the population and individual levels.
  • Develop proficiency in analyzing the costs of controlling major infectious diseases.

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