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DNP 705

Nurse Leadership: Setting the Example
Name: Nurse Leadership: Setting the Example
Course Number: DNP 705
Credit(s): 4

Course Description

DNP 705 delves into leadership lessons for aspiring nurse leaders with insights from successful leaders in business, medicine, philanthropy, government, academia, research, and health care. This course emphasizes the nurse leaders’ activities, attitudes, and competencies to set the example as role models, particularly in helping transform health care, improving patient care despite the myriad obstacles that can be hurdled, and contributing to policymaking. 

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the nurse leader’s activities, attitudes, and competencies to set an example as a role model.
  • Critically analyze the obstacles that nurse leaders contend with and how they can be hurdled.
  • Learn and discuss how nurse leaders can fully partner with physicians and other health professionals in redesigning U.S. health care.
  • Learn the appropriate data collection and information structure for effective workforce planning and policymaking.

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