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DPSY 830

Name: Psychopharmacology
Course Number: DPSY 830
Credit(s): 3

Course Description

Designed for post-graduate students, DPSY 830 Psychopharmacology examines the necessary clinical skills in psychopharmacology, with this course exploring beyond medications and their characteristics. Consequently, students learn to thoroughly and methodically assess patients, review research data with advanced comprehension of clinical processes, and develop and monitor the most effective clinical recommendations for patients. In this course, students identify gaps in their competencies or practice styles in psychopharmacology for optimal patient outcomes. Students learn rational techniques for ongoing thorough and complete assessments of their professional knowledge base and their patients. Psychopharmacology in this course is presented as a conscious application of Bayesian logic in formulating and adjusting treatment plans to produce outcomes both patient and practitioner seek. 

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the necessary clinical skills in psychopharmacology.
  • Identify gaps in their competencies or practice style in psychopharmacology.
  • Learn and discuss rational techniques for ongoing and complete assessments of their professional knowledge base and their patients.
  • Learn to thoroughly and methodically assess patients, review research data with advanced comprehension of clinical processes, and develop and monitor the most effective clinical recommendations for patients.

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