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EPI 654

Spatial Epidemiology
Name: Spatial Epidemiology
Course Number: EPI 654
Credit(s): 3

Course Description

EPI 654 Spatial Epidemiology introduces students to the objectives, principles, and methods of
spatial analysis and geographic information systems utilized in epidemiology and health
geography, particularly in the study of infectious diseases and health-environment relations.
Through this course, students also learn most of the methods, tools, and techniques available in
this field.

Spatial epidemiology is one of the most essential branches of epidemiology,
investigating the spatial distribution of diseases and associated determinants of health. This
advanced course is introduced into the School of Health Sciences program according to students’
requests and interests in consultation with the Public Health faculty member.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the concepts, principles, and spatial analysis methods and geographic information systems.
  • Learn to search and process spatial and health data from reliable sources.
  • Conduct basic exploratory spatial data analysis for disease mapping.
  • Develop a critical appreciation of applying methods and analyses of spatial patterns of infectious diseases to disease control.

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