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Seminar in TESOL Research and Pedagogy
Name: Seminar in TESOL Research and Pedagogy
Course Number: MATESOL 608
Credit(s): 3

Course Description

MATESOL 608 is a seminar course focused on TESOL research and pedagogy. This research or project-based course is conducted under the supervision of a professor and centers around the creation of a comprehensive research project document. The course provides students with an opportunity to delve into their specific areas of interest within TESOL, guided by the expertise and direction of a professor. Throughout the course, students will acquire supervised experience to develop specialized expertise, engage in data collection and analysis using pre-approved methodologies, and produce an extensive research paper.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Develop advanced research competence in the field of TESOL.
  • Hone research methods and independent study skills to facilitate in-depth learning and analysis of self-selected topics within the TESOL domain.
  • Cultivate critical thinking and advanced problem-solving skills necessary for the completion of a scholarly document.

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