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Designing Instruction for Second Language Learners
Name: Designing Instruction for Second Language Learners
Course Number: MATESOL 609
Credit(s): 3

Course Description

MATESOL 609 delves into the realm of instructional design for second language learners (SLLs). This course equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop effective teaching and learning materials, learning units, and lessons that cater to the dynamic learning needs of SLLs. Emphasis is placed on considering variables that shape the learning environment, such as language learning goals, pedagogical approaches, relevant technologies, and underlying language learning theories. Additionally, the course covers assessment methods aligned with specific instructional methods and approaches.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Attain proficiency in instructional design tailored to the unique learning needs of SLLs.
  • Evaluate the validity and feasibility of diverse materials and pedagogical approaches suitable for SLLs.
  • Critically analyze various aspects related to SLL needs, program goals and objectives, materials development and adaptation, staff development, testing and assessment, and the integration of technology into the curriculum.
  • Evaluate theories that serve as the foundation for appropriate instructional design for SLLs.

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