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MBA 608

Analytics for Business Strategy
Name: Analytics for Business Strategy
Course Number: MBA 608
Credit(s): 3

Course Description

This course explores the integration of the fields of analytics, management science, information technology, statistics, and strategic management to result in strategic analytics for informing managerial decision-making. In particular, students in this course learn how quantitative and qualitative information are used to make strategic business decisions. Students also learn about the interdisciplinary nature of strategic business analytics and the appropriate tools and methods, including structured and unstructured data, to inform business decision-making and address strategic problems. (Formerly MBA 608 Negotiations and Conflict Resolution)

Learning Outcomes:

  • Learn the qualitative and quantitative methods for evaluating business strategies and making strategic business decisions.
  • Understand how to tackle complex problems in strategy by integrating analytics within strategic management processes.
  • Understand the principles of analytics, including tools, support systems, and methods.
  • Critically analyze strategic problems in business to identify solutions.

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