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MCA 510

Information Technology Management
Name: Information Technology Management
Course Number: MCA 510
Credit(s): 3

Course Description

MCA 510 Information Technology Management examines evidence-based approaches to
managing information technology (IT) resources within the broader perspective of information
system management. Students learn the appropriate IT governance, including, technological
resources and procedures to manage IT effectively. Students also learn about urbanization
methods to help the manager take stock of the different organization levels of an IT system and
their coherence. This course also covers topics on IT alignment to contribute to an organization’s
strategy significantly.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the effective management of IT within the broader information system environment.
  • Learn and discuss how IT value is created to fulfill stakeholders’ needs.
  • Learn visualization methods to discern constraints, opportunities, and contradictions that influence the information architecture.
  • Understand how IT can be adapted to constantly evolving organizational objectives. readings.

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