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MCA 645

Cloud Computing Theory and Practice
Name: Cloud Computing Theory and Practice
Course Number: MCA 645
Credit(s): 3

Course Description

MCA 645 Cloud Computing Theory and Practice explores cloud computing, information on security and privacy, and the theories underpinning them. In this course, students develop practical knowledge about cloud computing through case studies. Topics covered in this course include cloud computing architectures, virtualization technology in the cloud, advanced cloud applications, enterprise cloud computing, and cloud computing issues and how they can be resolved.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Demonstrate rhetorical knowledge for creating effective technical writing documents for end-users.
  • Harness the appropriate writing strategies to produce clear, high-quality deliverables in various technical writing genres.
  • Learn to critically analyze the social situation of technical texts for information dissemination.
  • Learn how to use technical correspondence as a medium of workplace collaboration.

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