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MCA 655

Strategic Information Technology
Name: Strategic Information Technology
Course Number: MCA 655
Credit(s): 3

Course Description

MCA 655 Strategic Information Technology explores how information technology (IT) is organizationally positioned as an effective strategic driver. Students learn about the challenges posed by various ways of positioning and the implications of how these challenges are resolved. Moreover, students learn the strategies that effective chief information officers (CIOs) use to address these challenges and strategically position IT. Overall, this course teaches how IT is harnessed to facilitate competitive advantage.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand how IT can be positioned as a strategic driver.
  • Learn and discuss CIO best practices to drive digital transformation in
  • Critically analyze positioning-oriented challenges and how these are resolved.
  • Understand the theories, models, and frameworks that enable firms to harness IT
    for competitive advantage.

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