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MEd 514

The Sociology of Education
Name: The Sociology of Education
Course Number: MEd 514
Credit(s): 3

Course Description

MEd 514, The Sociology of Education explores the institution of education and its
interrelationships with individuals, other social institutions, as well as the broader society in
general. This course adopts a sociological lens in examining the theoretical perspectives and
methods for exploring topics that include learning, socialization processes, schools and
schooling, educational systems, and social inequality. Through this course, students gain the
opportunity to explore the sociology of education literature, encompassing historical views and
contemporary debates about the social roles that schools play, relationships between schools and
families, transitioning from school to the workforce, and other topics that span various
educational stages.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Critically analyze diverse traditions in sociological theory and apply them systematically to examine education and schooling.
  • Understand, discuss, and compare historical perspectives on the sociology of education.
  • Critically analyze the social institution of education and its interrelationships with individuals, other social institutions, and broader society.
  • Comprehend social inequalities in the educational landscape.

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