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MEd 667

Design in Educational Research
Name: Design in Educational Research
Course Number: MEd 667
Credit(s): 3

Course Description

MEd 667 explores the conventions of educational research, presenting it as data-driven scientific inquiry. The course covers research methodologies, including design, in comparison with non-empirical methods. Students learn philosophical perspectives, procedures, and techniques in educational research. Competencies in statistical analysis, quantitative and qualitative research design, data interpretation, and literature review and critique are developed.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand how educational research contributes to knowledge about teaching and learning.
  • Grasp qualitative and quantitative methodologies for data collection.
  • Understand research design concepts (sampling, independent vs. dependent variables, survey design, research design).
  • Develop skills in designing a study to ethically and rigorously address research questions in education.

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