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M.Phil 565

Political Philosophy
Name: Political Philosophy
Course Number: M.Phil 565
Credit(s): 3

Course Description

This course delves into significant themes in political philosophy, tracing the evolution of key concepts in political thought from ancient Greece to contemporary Western society. The curriculum encompasses the study of seminal works by classical and modern political theorists, including Plato, Aristotle, Hobbes, Locke, Mill, Rawls, and Nozick. Additionally, it explores topics such as the nature of the state and distributive justice.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of the general historical development of the discipline of philosophy, recognizing key milestones and shifts in philosophical thought over time.
  • Identify major historical figures in philosophy, including but not limited to those studied in the context of political philosophy, appreciating their contributions to the field.
  • Cultivate the ability to ask philosophical questions and integrate philosophical positions into both oral and written communication, fostering critical thinking and effective expression of philosophical ideas.

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