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PSYA 802

Contemporary Psychoanalytical Theory
Name: Contemporary Psychoanalytical Theory
Course Number: PSYA 802
Credit(s): 3

Course Description

PSYA 802 Contemporary Psychoanalytical Theory examines the evolution of psychoanalytic theory over the past 50 years, with particular attention given to contemporary theories, some of which constitute radical departures from traditional theory. In this course, students analyze the significant developments that have taken place in psychoanalysis during this time and how one understands these developments. Students also explore the alternative formulations and perspectives being proposed in these contemporary theories. Moreover, students examine various aspects of Freudian theory that serve as pivotal points of departure for contemporary psychoanalytic theories. Effective contextual understanding of these newer formulations and ideas will be facilitated through a full grasp of the fundamentals of Freudian ideas. This course addresses four fundamental themes of psychoanalytic theory and practice: conceptions of mind, conceptions of object relations, conceptions of psychopathology, and conceptions of treatment. Areas of divergence and convergence among theories are also explored. 

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the evolution of psychoanalytic theory over the past 50 years.
  • Critically analyze traditional and emergent theories of psychoanalysis and areas of convergence and divergence.
  • Critically analyze the alternative formulations and perspectives being proposed in these contemporary theories.
  • Develop a full grasp of Freudian ideas to comprehend newer formulations and ideas on psychoanalysis.

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