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STAT 500

Name: Statistics
Course Number: STAT 500
Credit(s): 3

Course Description

STAT 500 Statistics explores descriptive and inferential statistics to analyze and evaluate data in psychological research. In this course, students learn statistical analysis techniques, the rationale underpinning the techniques, and the application of these techniques to psychology. Moreover, students develop practical experience in statistical calculations and learn to use a statistical program to aid their analysis. Topics covered in this course are descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance (ANOVA) with and without repeated measures, multiple regression and its connection to ANOVA, and non-parametric statistics.  Prerequisite: Download R Statistical Package – R Studio 

Learning Outcomes:

  • Proficiently analyze numerical data in psychological studies.

  • Develop skills in data analysis and interpretation using statistical methods and techniques.

  • Develop proficiency in statistical techniques to test hypotheses pertinent to psychological studies.

  • Develop technical skills to view, summarize, and analyze data using R output.

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